"Preventive work on site..."
We Love Football is involved as a quality assurance and engine for the implementation of the event. Our ambition is that more people will have the chance to experience that wonderful feeling of a successful tournament adventure, which we know you as a team get in the Sölvesborgcupen.
Through We Love Football's sustainability programme and support from a number of different partners, we want you as participating team to be able to take part in a safe and secure football experience.
Together with the local organizer´s association and our partners, we ensure the following:
• the arrangement works for a safe and healthy environment for all participants, officials and visitors.
• our preventive and proactive work creates a safe and secure environment for children and young people as well as for adults.
• the event is a welcoming place for everyone, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion or other background.
• the arrangement offers professional staff on site to deal with any incidents.
• to offer on-site advice, support and help when needed, for children and young people as well as for adults.
• inspire and educate those who visit the event through information, discussions, communication materials and our physical meeting place, the Fair Play Center.